Tuesday, July 22, 2008

The First One

Have you ever noticed when you go on vacation to a cool place and when taking a picture, you just sit there and smile?

So a few years later you're sitting there looking in photo albums (or scrapbooks...) thinking, "Here's me standing in front of this place. And here's me standing in front of this place. I'm boring." Well, I was tired of looking back at pictures of myself in front of cool places... just standing there.

So... I decided (being the crazy gymnast I am) in 1997 that I would do away with 'just standing there' and instead I would do handstands in front of cool places. This phenomenon has now turned into what I like to call my "Handstand Portfolio."

And my name? So kindly bestowed upon me by my gymnastics coach, Jen. Handstand Queen. A bit egotistical, I think... and *so* not me to call myself a queen (too low maintenance to have that title). And for some reason, I always think of Diva and Queen being in the same category, both of which I'm not. But I can hold a handstand, so if I had to be Queen of something, I'm glad it's that!

1 comment:

Heather Landry said...

Such a cool idea for a blog. Alexis is a handstand queen too. They had a contest at the gym to see who could hold the handstand the longest. She held it so long all the other girls had fallen, and then it was a minute after that, and they told her. Ok you can quit now. LOL She won the ribbon. Her new teacher singled out my husband in the pick up line to tell him that she has "talent". Who knows maybe she really will go to d'lympics as she calls them. LOL We tell her she can do anything.